Documentary Filmmaker & Cinematographer
About me

I am a documentary filmmaker and cinematographer based in Utrecht, The Netherlands (b. 1993).

My films are scene-based, observational documentaries with a strong personal angle and dramatic structure.

In my cinematography I prefer intuitive, dynamic camerawork, following the body language of a character closely.
I find making clear aesthetic choices, and following them all the way through, absolutely essential.

Contact / +31 6 34992810

My films
2021   At the feet of my mother
            ︎ Netherlands Film Festival, Go Short International Short Film Festival Nijmegen, Busan Interntional Short Film Festival, Ethnocineca International Documentary Film Festival Vienna,  Moscow International Documentary Film Festival DOKer

2019   Mama Mania
            ︎ DOK Leipzig, Go Short International Short Film Festival Nijmegen, NPO 2 Extra, Sehsüchte International Student Film Festival, Kortfilmfestivalen, Moscow International Documentary Film Festival DOKer, Plons! International Short Documentary Film Festival, Braunschweig film festival, Global University Film Awards Hong Kong (GUFA), Up and Coming Hannover, ISFF Vision, Two Short Nights, Cheap Cuts Documentary Film Festival, Minikino Film Week Bali International Short Film Festival, Won Together Doc and TV Film Festival, Leiden International Short Film Experience, International Festival-Workshop of Film Schools Kinoproba, Ghent Viewpoint Documentary Film Festival, Rialto for Short, Eindhoven Film Festival, Ammehoela, Rotterdams open doek, Uitkort, Metro Movies, Rencontres Vidéo en Santé Mentale

2017 - 2021         BA Audiovisual Media, HKU University of the Arts, Utrecht (cum laude)
2013 - 2016         BA Cultural Anthropology, University of Amsterdam (cum laude)
2011 - 2012          BA Philosophy, University of Groningen
